SPARKS Program
Our SPARKS Parent Training Program is your first step on your journey with Scarlett’s Autism Therapy Centre, and is the starting point we recommend prior to intensive therapy. SPARKS will give you the foundational skills to help your child be successful once intensive behaviour therapy begins. To learn more, book a free consult today!
Our SPARKS Program is more than just a parent training program. Guided by our values, our SPARKS program is designed to ensure you are best-equipped to support your child through their early intervention journey. Our SPARKS program is uniquely tailored to each family and your goals.
"Parental involvement is the one invariable factor and an integral part of the success of early intervention programs for children with Autism..."
Ozonoff, S., & Cathcart, K. (1998). Effectiveness of a home program Intervention for young children with autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, (1), 25-32. doi:10.1023/A:1026006818310
Your involvement matters
We believe that parents are integral in the development and success of our families. Parent education is an essential part of effective early intervention – as a child’s learning and development does not end when you leave our clinic. We know that routine and consistency are hugely beneficial to achieving your goals and maintaining new skills. When parents understand and can use therapy techniques on their own, your child's opportunities for growth are limitless.
Throughout your time at our clinic, we encourage you to participate in all of our centre activities, from reading session progress notes, attending team meetings, and practicing at home. SPARKS is our introduction to therapy, and allows you to learn the foundational tools and knowledge you will need for your child's intensive early intervention program.
Your ongoing feedback is crucial to our understanding of your child’s progress outside of the clinic. This enables you to practice these skills at home, and identify any gaps, barriers, or challenges that may be arising for you and your child.
We also appreciate that every family is different, and that each family has unique circumstances that impact your capacity to participate fully in your child’s therapy program. Our clinicians will endeavour to work closely with you to set realistic goals and expectations for your involvement.
A mile in your shoes
A note from Justin and Romina- Owners of SATC, and Parents of Scarlett
While we understand that everyone's story is different, and that our daughter Scarlett, like your own child, is unique and on their own journey to success, as business owners, we learnt that on our experience as parents of a child with Autism when working with our clinical team to create SPARKS.
Being involved in your child's program, and being given the information and knowledge to participate in goal setting is paramount. We want to demystify what is being practiced in the therapy room, so that you can make informed choices about your child's program and contribute to meaningful discussions about progress. We feel that it is important to hold service providers accountable to being effective and believe that empowering you with the knowledge to have ongoing discussions with your clinical team about how your child is going, is a large part of why we opened our Scarlett's Autism Therapy Centre.
We also know, firsthand, that there are many barriers as parents to a child with Autism or additional support needs. While we aspire to be super parents 100% of the time, research shows that “stress is the main reason for lack of parental involvement alongside a child who is enrolled in an early intervention program” (Bennett, 2012). Our clinicians are here to support you throughout your journey every step of the way, including the ups and the downs that may come along the way. SPARKS is designed to give you the skills to build your capacity to support your child through their lifetime. To learn more, book your free consult today.