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What is it?

Functional pretend play involves using real or toy items to pretend, such as having a tea party with toy cups and saucers, or using a toy stethoscope to play doctor. This type of play helps children make sense of everyday activities and routines by allowing them to act out scenarios they see in their daily lives. It involves using familiar objects in conventional ways, providing a safe and controlled environment for children to explore and understand the world around them.

What age does it typically develop?

Functional pretend play usually develops around 12-18 months old and can become more complex/involve more steps as kids get older.

Why is it important?

Functional pretend play supports cognitive development, language skills, and understanding of daily activities. It helps children practice and reinforce what they have learned about their environment and the roles people play. This type of play also enhances social skills as children often engage in functional pretend play with peers, learning to take turns and collaborate on shared activities.

Play Ideas our team love:

  • Pretend cooking with toy food

  • Playing doctor with a toy stethoscope

  • Pretend grocery shopping

  • Playing teacher with a chalkboard

  • Pretend gardening

  • Playing mechanic with toy tools

  • Pretend cleaning with a toy vacuum

  • Playing post office

  • Pretend camping with toy tents

  • Playing firefighter with a toy hose

  • Pretend baking with toy ovens

  • Playing construction with blocks

  • Pretend fishing with toy rods

  • Playing veterinarian with stuffed animals

  • Pretend traveling with toy suitcases

  • Playing restaurant with menus

  • Pretend laundry with toy washing machines

  • Playing hairdresser with brushes

  • Pretend banking with toy money

  • Playing mail carrier with letters

From our team to yours......

Get all the resources, printables, and more - curated by our team just for you. We hope these are helpful!

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